Monday, August 25, 2003

Blah Week! The past week has been quite trying. The children had their exams from Tues to Thurs - and on different time scheds too! We were reviewing the lessons on a daily basis and in the midst of it all, Rance woke up with a slight fever Wed am. After taking some medication and sweating it out, he felt better and didn't miss his test for the day. After the exams and when I thought it was time to relax a bit, it was Bea who had the fever. It might be the weather which has been so HOT lately. Fortunately, she got better by Sunday and is now back in school.
As for me, FINALLY finished all my pending work Time for me to go to the bookstore, they're having their annual sale. Yippee!

Amidst all the hullabaloo, Ricky and I were able to sneak some time together to watch LXG.